The Origin of Life

Bright light


Some of the most impressive work I have seen on dynamical systems that maximise thair rate of energy degradation has come from workers studying turbulence and meteorological phenomena.

In particular the work of [Hisashi Ozawa] is well worth examining more closely.

The following quotes from the abstract should give the general flavour:

Previous works on thermodynamics of the climate system are reviewed in the light of a thermodynamic concept presented here.

It states that entropy of thermal reservoirs connected through a non-linear system, in which materials interact mutually, will increase along a path of evolution with a maximum rate of entropy increase, among a manifold of allowed paths. [...]

Consequently, it is found that Paltridge's suggestion on maximum entropy increase by turbulent heat transport in the earth's climate system, as well as Malkus-Howard-Busse's suggestion on maximum energy dissipation in turbulent flows, is rigorously explained by the single thermodynamic concept.

There are a variety of ideas in this area. These have various names - including the maximum power principle, the principle of maximum dissipation and the maximum entropy production principle.

While it is interesting that phenomena such as turbulent fluid flow naturally migrate to states where they are dissipating energy as rapidly as possible - such simple self-organizing systems only represent the beginnings of what is possible.

In order to really dissipate energy properly you need a living system, so that sources of potential energy are actively sought-out - and it should really be capable of evolving intelligent life - since intelligence is the route to developing most technologies for locating and utilising potential energy sources.


Tim Tyler | Contact |